Below you will find pages categorized under “identity”
November 11, 2023
Identity Formation
Let’s Dive in How do you define yourself? No, Really. 🤔
Do you describe yourself in terms of your love or hobby? “I love basketball.” “I play the piano.” Credentials or work? “I have a bachelor’s degree in… a master’s degree in…” “I am a teacher.” Work, or knowledge? “I’ve read such and such on reddit…” Identity Reduction We tend to define oursleves by declarative statements, but the truth is, we know ourselves mainly by the reciprical nature of our relationships.
June 13, 2023
People Groups
Race, Ethnicity, and People Groups Who likes to be classified? 🤔
I do not think most people do. Oddly, we all tend to do it, not only to others, but also to ourselves.
What if I had a choice in the matter?
If I had to be classified, I would desire to be placed in the broadest category to have the most possible freedom - this desire stems from my cultural blind spot.